วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2561
"IBC"meet for the International Vesak 2018 in USA.
The International Buddhist Committee in Washington, D.C. (IBC) meeting at Maryland Buddhist Meditation Center( Srilankan temple in Wheaton, Maryland) for the International Vesak 2018
What is the Goal of Buddhism?
The Awakened One, the Buddha, classified people into two groups and set goals for both to help them according to their capabilities, namely;
1. The goal for the householders, and
2. The goal for those who live monastic life or monks.
The goal for householders is to live their lives in a happy way by following at least three of the precepts of the Eightfold Path namely; right action, right speech and right livelihood in moral training. This includes the administration and governmental affairs, as the Buddha introduced 10 virtues* of rulers or administrators to carry out duties and responsibilities in righteous ways.
A goal for the monks or those who live monastic life is Nibbana, enlightenment or perfect freedom of the mind by following me Eightfold Path as above mentioned. The monks have to strictly observe moral conduct (Sila Visuddhi) and clarification of their moral disciplines set out by the Buddha, proved by the Sangha. Monks must train themselves in meditation practice (Samadhi-Vipassana Bhavna) to cultivate wisdom to be able to purify their minds from mental impurities or delusion.
(ประชุมคณะกรรมการองค์กรชาวพุทธนานาชาติแห่งกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี. หรือองค์กร IBC เพื่อจัดงานวิสาขบูชานานาชาติ ในเขตกรุงวอชิงตัน,ดี.ซี.)
(From FB Dr.Handy)
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