วันพุธที่ 25 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2566

"Nopladetch" very confused. The Phra Pariyattidhamma School Act has been born for 4 years. Teachers and personnel haven't received the budget to support. Next year is still slow.

Saturday, January 21, 2566, at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) in Chiang Mai, Mr. Nopladetch Manilangkarn, revealed that the "Royal Ordinance on Buddhism Education" has been in effect for four years, but teachers and staff have not received funding for next year and are still in trouble. He also revealed that after visiting to study the support and protection of Buddhism and to hold a seminar on "the direction of Buddhism education in schools under the Royal Ordinance on Buddhism Education B.E. 2562", led by Mr. Phetchawat Watthanapongjirikul, the Vice President of the MCU Council of Buddhism, that there are still many problems regarding the implementation of the Royal Ordinance on Buddhism Education in schools in the Chiang Mai area.

In this statement, it is stated that there are still many problems and obstacles in the direction of Buddhism schools, especially regarding budget allocation issues. It is acknowledged that after the Royal Ordinance on Buddhism Education was announced in the Royal Gazette, it has been implemented, but it still seems like only written words in the law and has no effect. This is because there is a lack of enforcement and personnel in different aspects, including both monks and laypeople. Even though 4 years have passed since the ordinance was announced, no budget allocation has been made yet.

In this statement, Mr. Nopadol expressed his view that there are still many problems and obstacles in the direction of the school of Buddhism and particularly the problem of budget allocation. He acknowledged that after the law was enacted in the Royal Gazette, it has yet to be implemented and it just remains as written law. This is due to the lack of personnel in different aspects, including both monks and laypeople. Despite the law being passed for four years now, there has still been no allocation of budget for the school. Furthermore, he mentioned that currently, there is a process of requesting 11 documents from the budget office, which has been ongoing for 3 months, but the requested documents have not yet been received by the budget office. He acknowledged that this is a problem in many aspects, including understanding the format of the documents that must be certified by the authorities. Despite this, he said that the government budget office is ready to support the budget allocation for the school, but there has been a delay in the process of requesting the documents.

The lack of clarity in the budget documents for the upcoming year 2567. The author expresses worry that there has been manipulation by the religious committee in order to push for successful outcomes. The author also expresses concern about the success of the plan. Additionally, the author wishes for more collaboration and open communication among companies in the religious sector, citing Buddhist teachings that advocate for frequent meetings and collective problem-solving.




วิเคราะห์ปัญจาลวรรคในพระไตรปิฎกเล่มที่ 23 อังคุตตรนิกาย นวกนิบาต ปัณณาสก์

  วิเคราะห์ปัญจาลวรรคในพระไตรปิฎกเล่มที่ 23: พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่ 15 อังคุตตรนิกาย นวกนิบาต ปัณณาสก์ในปริบทพุทธสันติวิธี บทนำ พระไตรปิฎกเล...