วันอังคารที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

My life is Buddhist Journalist for Peace.

I also remember my life as a child. I were a disadvantaged child. Monk brought I to study until the end of elementary school, But I  Could not chance to study at a higher level. So I have been ordained as a novice enough to master the class. I were educated at a temple in Bangkok in 1980.I studied Pali can be tested in order to 5.

the same time, I studied of non-formal education (NTU) can be completed in the 6th grade. And I  studied knowledge Both computer and computer program Lotus Best Lotus Words.

After that, I calculated that within 4 years, if I studied Pali alone, there is no certainty that I will be able to take the exam. At the undergraduate level, of course. I decided to study at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (1986). In 1991, I completed the Bachelor of Philosophy (2nd Class Honor) degree. 

After that, I graduated from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University And the archeology of the University of the Arts. The reason for choosing the Faculty of Archeology is because there are courses related to philosophy. But I Could not   finish in  2 University. As I were a journalist and a career as a reporter at the news group Nation Group in the Depth website. Later in 2013,I studied  at the master's degree, Peace Studies Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

I worked at the news agency of Nation Group for 23 years and asked for Erich Leung, And move to http://www.banmuang.co.th.  

Now I is currently studying at the doctoral level at Peace Studies Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. I would like to congratulate I. And also I have passed the thesis in topic is "BUDDHIST  INNOVATIVE USE OF ONLINE  MEDIA  FOR ENHANCING PEACE BY MONKS TO THAI SOCIETY". That is the topic of the dissertation.

It would be very beneficial to Buddhism. Nowadays, Thai society is a digital age. The Thai government has introduced communication technology. It is a base for developing and upgrading the country as a developed country. Called Thailand 4.0.

I  told meth at I will use the knowledge of the dissertation on such matters. This is the basis for the development of monks in Thai society. They will knowledge Communication Arts understands the elements of news like : Immediacy, proximity, prominence, nusualness, human interest, Conflict, mystery / suspense, consequence, progress and sex.  The main function is to inform, educate, to entertain. But They will have duty accountability obligation truth and accuracy  fairness balance credibility and professionalism. They will have duty watchdog  gatekeeper agenda Setting. And they will have duty responsible for determining whether the events are interesting, And how valuable to the recipient?.Digital Journalist must have a variety of skills to do multiple news or model or platform. such as, One must report on television, clip, online newspaper, Facebook, Twitter. Cloning content Real time and context with news content and not cloning content.

They will have skill, attitude and networking. The use of online media to promote peace effectively. I will like to encourage the priests to see the importance of technology adoption. High levels of intelligence such as artificial intelligence or AI as a tool to use online media.

I hope to develop into a monk or journalist, set up a Buddhist news agency for peace, management is linked to the network both domestically and internationally. Because the current world is developing communication technology fast. As a result, the society has changed a lot. And the impact on the following. At the same time, monks are part of society, with the task of solving social problems. If I  do not know the transformation of society then it will reduce the role.

Hopefully I will be graduated as Dr. Quick.  



"วิเคราะห์ โลภสูตร-โทสสูตร-โกธสูตร-โมหสูตร

    ช่วยเขียนบทความทางวิชาการ เรื่อง "วิเคราะห์ โลภสูตร-โทสสูตร-โกธสูตร-โมหสูตร  ในพระไตรปิฎกเล่มที่ 25  พระสุตตันตปิฎก เล่มที่  17  ขุ...